Monday, May 21, 2007

Mind Control and Its History - Are We Human Guinea Pigs?

The New Millennium and the Mind Control Crisis - by Kurt Billings1999 ©

Is our government using us as human guinea pigs? Is our government drugging us, brainwashing our kids in the schools and implanting microchips in us? Are they using nonlethal weapons on us; are they using radiation on us; are they using psycho surgery and electronic mind-control methods on us? Are they reprogramming peoples' whole personalities? It seems hard to believe, but I'm sorry to say that the answer to all of these questions, and more, is YES.

Our government is guilty of the same atrocities, and more, as those committed in the Nazi concentration camps. These practices are not just happening to an isolated group of people; they are happening to normal, everyday people--like you and me. No one is out of the grasp of the government. And ironically, it is you and me, the American taxpayers, who are underwriting the research and technological advancements that are being unleashed upon us in these top-secret, classified, government experiments.

Before I give you a brief overview of the history of mind control and the technological advances currently being used, I will answer the question I get asked most often--how and why did I begin researching the topic of mind control and working with survivors?

I became aware of our government's involvement in behavioral modification at a very young age as my father and two uncles worked for the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and openly discussed many of these "behavioral modification" experiments. They were privy to this classified information, in part, as one uncle provided security for a renown Nazi doctor who was smuggled out of post-war Germany as a part of Operation Paperclip--a clandestine, U.S. governmental operation in which foreign war criminals were imported into the United States.

In spite of, or maybe because of, being exposed to these abhorrent realities occurring within our own government, I became a Christian in 1979. I started a ministry working with street gangs, satanism and ritual-abuse victims in 1982 and by 1985, I was being periodically approached by local police officials to consult on satanic ritual abuse (SRA) crimes. I wrote a book in 1993, A Generation Deceived, on the new world order and its infiltration of the curriculum in our public schools. Since the 1980s, I've been providing consultation services for counselors, psychologists and psychiatrists who work with victims of domestic abuse and government mind-control experiments.

The use of mind control has been going on in one form or another since the beginning of time. This overview will begin from the Babylonian era to current time. The Babylonians and the Egyptians helped lay a foundation for occultism and the seeking of hidden knowledge or "enlightenment." In these religions' earliest writings, they give reference to rituals where abuse takes place describing methods of torture to create trauma. The writings also cite the use of potions as drugging agents and the use of witchcraft and hypnotism to enslave their victims. It was through these means that the leaders of the time were attempting to control the mass of the common people.

Another attempt at controlling the populace is documented in history during the 13th century when the Catholic Church used inquisitions to bring the masses under control. Those who did not submit to the beliefs of the leaders were eliminated. They were branded heretics, witches or other socially-accepted "criminal" labels of the time and persecuted, with or without justification. Once again history shows us an attempt to control the minds of the people. Their choices were to convert, conform or die.

Without getting into more specific types of mind-control techniques used by one religious group or another, these few examples document efforts to control people through the use of religious institutions. This practice has continued throughout the centuries and evolved to a point where our churches today play a key role in shaping members' belief systems as well as influencing how their time and money are spent.

By 1776, systematic, organized mind control was beginning to rear its ugly head. A Bavarian Jesuit named Adam Weishaupt was commissioned by the House of Rothschild to centralize the powers of the mystery religions into what is commonly known as the Illuminati or the "enlightened ones." The word Illuminati originates from the word Lucifer which means "bearer of the light." In essence, this was the laying of the foundation of the new world order with the goal of establishing a one-world religion, a one-world government and a one-world banking system.

This one-world goal aligned the world's very rich with the most powerful generational bloodlines of satanism. So we have the joining of satanists and the plutocrats reaching out for the supreme power---control of the people. Spinning out from this Illuminati spider web came many organizations permeated with satanism, such as, the Builderbergers, the Club of Rome, the Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO), the Golden Dawn, Rosicrucian, the Shriners, Palladium Masonry, and Scottish Rite Masonry, just to name a few.

To illustrate how successful the Illuminati has been in permeating our society with their one-world agenda, let's look at one of their offshoot organizations, the Scottish Rite Masons. As we delve into this discussion keep in mind that all but two U.S. presidents, Kennedy and Lincoln, were Masons of the 32nd degree or higher and that a large number of senators, congressmen, governors, judges, lawyers and police chiefs are also Masons of the 32nd degree or higher.
So who are the Masons and to what oath do our governmental and judicial officials pledge when they become 30th, 31st and 32nd degree Freemasons? Albert Pike is quoted on pages 220 and 221 of Occult Theocracy by Queenborough that instructs,"To you, Sovereign, Grand Inspectors General, we say this, that you may repeat it to the Brethren of the 32nd, 31st and 30th degrees -- The Masonic religion should be, by all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian doctrine." Pike issued these instructions to the 23 Supreme Councils of the world on July 14, 1889, at which time he simultaneously held the positions of Sovereign Pontiff of Universal Freemasonry, Grand Master of the Central Directory of Washington, and Grand Commander of the Supreme Council of Charleston. Additionally, he authored Morals and Dogma which served as the Masonic "bible."

Let's take a closer look at this quote--"the Masonic religion" and "maintained in the purity of the Luciferian doctrine." This is hardly the type of oath one would expect elected governmental officials of the free world to be pledging unless, of course, you understand the plot of the Illuminati, a secret society of luciferians, to overthrow the government of the United States by the year 2000 and create a global dictatorship. By pledging an allegiance to a luciferian-based religious organization, albeit masked by good deeds, our governmental and judicial officials are becoming underlings of the new world order and pawns and puppets of the Illuminati.

By the late 1800s and early 1900s the study of psychology and psychiatry greatly advanced methods of mind control. In the early 1900s the basis for human mind control through conditioning and hypnosis was being set in motion by Ivan Pavlov when he conducted experiments in which a bell was rung prior to feeding dogs. The dogs' natural physiological response to food, salivating, was soon associated with the ringing of the bell. After a period of conditioning or "programming," simply ringing the bell would "trigger" the dogs to salivate.
From the beginning of time, the bottom line has always been power and control. With the knowledge of mind control emerging from these "new" science studies of the mind, the new world order realized the group that perfected this "new" science would have the knowledge that would enable them to control the world. This quest for world dominance brought about the funding of Travistock in England and the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in Germany by the plutocrats which included the Rockefeller Foundation as well as many others. In 1932, Travistock was led by Kurt Lewin, a German psychologist. Studies during this time were focused on mind-control experiments to determine the "breaking point" of the human psyche.

At this same time the Nazis were coming to power in Germany and were conducting eugenics experiments to create a new master race. A top SS (Schutzstaffel) officer, Heinrich Himmler, headed a project named Lebersborn in which children were selectively bred. Many of these bred children were genetically engineered sets of twins who were separated and "placed" in adoptive families and then were monitored and studied. These pairs of separated twins were viewed as the ultimate study in behavioral modification because they were able to use one twin as a control point to gauge the other twin's response.

The programming used on these children was quite sophisticated and included preconditioned, trained responses triggered by code words, mnemonic cues and audio-reversed messages and tones that activated the programming. This "new" science had reached a level of critical mass, a point of no return, and the repercussions would shape not only the coming war years but life thereafter. As war broke out, the concentration camps gave Hitler's SS officers an unlimited supply of victims on whom to further their experiments of the human psyche in order to perfect the ability to engineer an Aryan race. Himmler's studies on twins were later so barbarically advanced by Joseph Mengele at Auschwitz that they are still referred to today as Mengele's twins. These experiments were conducted without any regard for normal societal limitations and included the following horrid atrocities: surgical experimentation, electroshock, mutilation, impregnation, trauma bonding, eye-color experimentation, drugging, deprivation of every kind, hypnosis, hypno-programming and personality splitting.

Although other countries conducted human experiments of less quantity during the war, it was the Nazis who so grossly violated the Geneva Convention guidelines of prisoner treatment. The Nazis and their experiments were, in part, funded by the Catholic Church who, at the end of the war, helped transport many Nazis to freedom through the ratline. The Catholic Church has since acknowledged and apologized for these actions. Additionally, the U.S. Department of Defense secretly orchestrated and funded the escape of many high-ranking Nazi doctors and scientists by using the channels provided by the Vatican, bringing German, as well as Italian, "enemies" to the United States via South America and Canada. During this importation process, code named Operation Paperclip, these illegal aliens were made "legal" by our U.S. government when they provided these war criminals with new identities.

These doctors and scientists were viewed by the U.S. government as valuable assets to acquire because of the vast amount of knowledge they possessed from their "work" in the Nazi concentration camps. The raw-scientific data generated from these brutal wartime experiments enabled these doctors and scientists to formulate advanced, unprecedented theories of mind control. It is no secret that knowledge gives power; by securing possession of these doctors and scientists, the United States gained control of the "science" of mind-control knowledge.

One might assume that the United States gained control of this new science in order to protect U.S. citizens from enemy mind-control techniques. Unfortunately, this was not the case. Instead, the U.S. government created clandestine operations specifically designed to implement and test these mind-control theories. These projects, just to name a few, had code names such as MKULTRA, Artichoke, Bluebird, MKSEARCH and MKDELTA. It was during these top-level operations that these mind-control theories were refined and advanced. Although Senator Ted Kennedy, chairman of the Senate Subcommittee on Health and Scientific Research, assured the American public that "These activities are part of history, not the current practice of the CIA," these human experimentations in mind control and human behavior continue today.

Many people are unaware of the extent to which our U.S. government has been experimenting on its citizens. Ironically, it's the government's own documents on human experimentation that most effectively breaks through the denial barrier. Following are excerpts out of actual documents that were secured through the Freedom of Information Act.

A document dated May 11, 1953, cites experiments designed with the goal of "hypnotically increasing ability to learn and recall complex written matter," "hypnotically increasing ability to observe and recall a complex arrangement of physical objects" and "recall of hypnotically acquired information by very specific signals."

A second document dated May 5, 1955, states, "A portion of the Research and Development Program of TSS/Chemical Division is devoted to the discovery of the following materials and methods: 1. Substances which will promote illogical thinking and impulsiveness to the point where the recipient would be discredited in public." Skipping to subhead 6 on the same document, "Materials which will render the induction of hypnosis easier or otherwise enhance its usefulness" and subhead 7, "Substances which will enhance the ability of individuals to withstand privation, torture and coercion during interrogation and so-called "brain-washing." Subhead 8 states, "Materials and physical methods which will produce amnesia for events preceding and during their use" and subhead 9 states, "Physical methods of producing shock and confusion over extended periods of time and capable of surreptitious use." Subhead 12 states, "Substances which alter personality structure in such a way that the tendency of the recipient to become dependent upon another person is enhanced."

So what does this all mean? One almost has to reread these quotes two or three times before the realization sinks in that our government's goal is to gain ultimate control over our minds. This is not much different than the goals of Adolf Hitler and The Third Reich.

Let's look at some of these statements more closely. Out of the first set of documents we learn that our government conducted experiments to learn how to hypnotically increase a person's ability to learn and recall complex written matter, to increase a person's ability to observe and recall complex arrangements of physical objects, and to enable a person to recall hypnotically-acquired information by very specific signals.

From the second set of documents we learn that our government has developed substances that will further put the U.S. citizens' minds under the control of the government. Through the use of chemical substances, the government can induce an altered state of consciousness in individuals and/or the masses. It is during this drug-induced, hypnotically-suggestible state that programming is placed into the mind through a multitude of stimuli. In essence, our government has extracted enough knowledge from these experiments to create actual mind-control slaves for the U.S. government.

How is this programming put in place, and how does it actually work? The government utilizes people who are expertly trained in mind control and programming. This knowledge originated from the doctors and scientists who were brought over as part of Operation Paperclip. Usually a person has one primary programmer but is assigned several "handlers." Handlers are people who are interwoven into the person's programming. The "handlers" help manage the programmed individual and often provide a physical presence which acts to enforce the programming. The programmer will use mind-altering drugs to destabilize a person's state of mind, place them under hypnosis and insert into their mind a "program."

These "programs" consist of a preset sequence of events, often called the road map of their mission, as well as preset signals that the government will later use as triggers to activate the hidden programming and to retrieve information the individual may have been programmed to gather. For example, the government can program someone to infiltrate a group, to instigate trouble and/or just to report information back to the government. Keep in mind that this is just a very simplistic example and that these mind-control methods can be used for much more sophisticated purposes.

These documents prove that the U.S. government has been using our tax dollars, at least since the 1950s, to develop techniques and substances that will further put the U.S. citizen under their control. When the government uses chemicals to "promote illogical thinking and impulsiveness" and to "render the induction of hypnosis easier," they are stripping people of their free will and of their natural abilities to protect, not only their physical beings, but also their minds.

When the government has materials and physical methods which create amnesiac barriers within a person's own mind, they control what information the person has access to and what information is hidden behind the amnesiac walls--such as the knowledge that they are even being used in mind-control experiments or missions. In essence, once the government has these amnesiac walls in place, they can use and reuse these people over and over again, recycling them to new projects. These individuals have no knowledge of being tampered with in the first place as that knowledge is also "locked" behind amnesiac walls. Even if these governmental guinea pigs experience memory breakthrough, the "powers that be" have taken measures to try and ensure that these individuals discredit themselves in public. Remember, our government has developed "substances which will promote illogical thinking and impulsiveness to the point where the recipient would be discredited in public."

One may be led to falsely believe that these experiments are being conducted on only a few people and have nothing to do with the average U.S. citizen. This is a dangerous sense of false security. Hundreds of hospitals nationwide and several in Canada have been used as sites in which private physicians conduct these experiments after having been privately contracted by the U.S. and Canadian governments. These government "subcontractors" are paid fees well in excess of any industry standard.

You, the American taxpayer are buying the large houses and fancy cars of these "subcontractors." You, the American taxpayer are paying to have developed the latest technology, a microchip implant called the biochip, that can be used against you, your children and your grandchildren to control your minds. You, the American taxpayer have paid restitution to foreign victims of our government's misuse of power. In 1992, it was reported by Bob Cox of The Canadian Press that "the federal government will pay $100,000 each to victims of brainwashing experiments funded by Canada and the CIA between 1950 and 1965." One of the victims was a mother of five children. Nobody is immune.

To disseminate information on the new technologies being used in mind control, I have produced a videotape that contains information on the following: the history of mind control, the use of microchip implants, the use of microwaves and extremely low frequencies (ELF) and how they are being used in conjunction with microchip implants, the use of electroshock to facilitate programming, the use of virtual reality and how it is being utilized in programming, examples of programming hardware, and examples of programming structure. The video addresses how the government has utilized "substances which alter personality structure in such a way that the tendency of the recipient to become dependent upon another person is enhanced." It should be of no surprise that "another person" is the government programmer and handlers assigned to this "recipient." To order your copy of this videotape please send your name, full address and a $25.00 check or money order to:

Kurt Billings
P.O. Box 6018Spring Hill,

God Bless You.

Permission is granted to reprint this article in its complete entirety.

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