Saturday, February 16, 2008

Secret Stalker got caught on my camera today

Yesterday evening, I heard someone buzzed my door bell, but I didn't have any appointment. I turned on my TV, and switched to the Channel to see who it was. I saw a black man standing in the door way waiting. I don't know this person, nor did he seem to be a mail man. I did nothing, but watched through the cable. He waited for a while, and left.

This afternoon, I went to shopping in Shoppers. At the checkout counter, while the shopping assistant went to get a ticket for me, a black man suddenly came to stand next to me (very close) as if he was going to check out, but he was supposed to wait in the line at the back. Then the shopping assistant came back shortly. This black man immediately walked away to the next cash register. I didn’t pay much attention to him even though I felt this guy was kind of wired.

I checked out within a minute and walked out of the store. To my surprise, he followed me out of the store as well. He used the same harassing behavior to draw my attention while he walked over me and quicky got into his car. Now I realized this guy was stalking me in the store. I took out my camera, and prepared to take a picture of this guy. He slowly drove out of the parking lot, but he had to wait for the road to be clear. I pointed my camera towards him. Of course, he realized what I was going to do, thus, he pulled down his hat to cover almost all his face. I captured him in my camera, but only to see he wears a back mask on his face. I can see his nose and mouth. His eyes were completely covered by his black mask.

I saw him in the store. I don't know this person at all. This is organized stalking, which has been going on for over three years.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting article as for me. I'd like to read more concerning that theme. Thanx for giving that information.